Convicted Felon Rep Stevens doesn't have to step down from congress and he gets full retirement when he does, is that OK with you?
Should a Felon be able to draw his retirement account from the Government?
You mean pension, NOT retirement fund, his retirement fund should be his he put he money into it. His pension is another matter, no he should probably loose a pension, just as an employee that sold company info to a competing company should loose a pension. Shouldn't they? But they don't do they? Just another way BIG government screws both individuals and businesses.
Reply:no, but there are a lot of things that are not fair in this world. One of them being that Congress can and does give themselves raises and their retirement benefits are much better than any in the private sector.
And some people believe that Government is going to look out for them? It amazes me that they just don't get it. Neither candidate is gonna look out for you.
Reply:No You break the law, then you pay the consequences
When the list of democrats come out, you will find many more that have broken the law.
Biden's son and brother are under investigation
Sen. Rangle "forgot" to pay taxes on his property in the Caribbean
Dodd and Franks for their involvement in the housing crisis.
Obama and his involvement with ACORN and how he is receiving his campaign contributions. He will not present a valid birth certificate. He could win the election by fraudulently representing himself as an American, when all the research I have made says that he was born in Kenya. and
And the list goes on and on.
Reply:Why shouldnt he?He worked right?Put yourself in that place and tell me if its ok.You get retirement from working and earning it .He earned it and I dont think he was a crook all his working days.Who isnt a liar and a crook in Dc anyways?When you find a politician who is righteous I will move to Canada.It wont ever
Reply:No it isn't. I don't think he should get anything. They should take all the money for the gifts out of his retirement account and give him the balance.
Reply:What is the source behind your information?
Thanks for the THUMBS DOWN - won't want you to have to look for information when that's soooo much easier.
Reply:absolutely not, not him or any other government crook.
Reply:Only to pay for his prison expenses.
Reply:Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!
scientific name
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