My xbox live on my original xbox got canceled, is it possible to view my friends that were on my canceled xbox live account? and if it is possible how would i do it?
Can i view my friends on my xbox live account that got canceled?
Yes, this is possible. I have done this before too. I am assuming you have made another XBL Account. You can have Silver/Gold. It doesn't matter. You just need to be able to get online. Go to your Friends list. Then go to Add Friend(s). Type in your Gamer Tag, the one that got deleted. Then he will show up on your list as "Pending" hit A on the name. Then go to the right tab and go to Friends. Then you can add your friends, if it shows and you don't have it on friends-view-only. I hoped I helped, if not I can take you step-by-step on XBL. Add me at, iDuquette , and I will help you personally.
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